
Corona Related Orders

Corona Related Orders
Title Description Start Date End Date File
Daily Press Release

Covid-19 Daily Press Release – (till 8 pm on April 1)

District Health Committee, District-Raigarh (Chhattisgarh)

15/04/2021 14/04/2022 View (273 KB)
Home Isolation Completion Certificate

Home Isolation Completion Certificate under Covid-19

Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, Raigarh (Chhattisgarh)

12/04/2021 11/04/2022 View (267 KB) home isolation certifcate 23.03.2021 to 08.04.2021 (277 KB) home isolation certifcate 24.03.2021 to 09.04.2021 (263 KB) home isolation certifcate 25.03.2021 to 10.04.2021 (280 KB) home isolation certifcate 26.03.2021 to 11.04.2021 (269 KB) home isolation certifcate 27.03.2021 to 12.04.2021 (267 KB) home isolation certifcate 28.03.2021 to 13.04.2021 (276 KB) index 22.03.2021 to 07.04.2021 (450 KB) index 23.03.2021 to 08.04.2021 (457 KB) index 24.03.2021 to 09.04.2021 (449 KB) index 25.03.2021 to 10.04.2021 (459 KB) index 26.03.2021 to 11.04.2021 (453 KB) index 27.03.2021 to 12.04.2021 (448 KB) index 28.03.2021 to 13.04.2021 (459 KB)
Home Isolation Completion Certificate

Home Isolation Completion Certificate under Covid-19

Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, Raigarh (Chhattisgarh)

08/04/2021 07/04/2022 View (276 KB) home isolation certifcate 20.03.2021 to 05.04.2021 (267 KB) home isolation certifcate 21.03.2021 to 06.04.2021 (268 KB) index 19.03.2021 to 04.04.2021 (462 KB) index 20.03.2021 to 05.04.2021 (449 KB) index 21.03.2021 to 06.04.2021 (446 KB)
Home Isolation Completion Certificate

Home Isolation Completion Certificate under Covid-19

Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, Raigarh (Chhattisgarh)

25/03/2021 24/03/2022 View (258 KB) home isolation certifcate 13.03.2021 to 29.03.2021 (261 KB) home isolation certifcate 14.03.2021 to 30.03.2021 (259 KB) home isolation certificate15.03.2021 to 24.03.202 (267 KB) home isolation certifcate 16.03.2021 to 01.04.2021 (285 KB) home isolation certifcate 17.03.2021 to 02.04.2021 (279 KB) index 12 12.03.2021 28.03.2021 (464 KB) index 13 13.03.2021 29.03.2021 (466 KB) index 15.03.2021 to 24.03.2021 (470 KB) index 16.03.2021 to 01.04.2021 (472 KB) index 17.03.2021 to 02.04.2021 (471 KB)
Home Isolation Completion Certificate

Home Isolation Completion Certificate under Covid-19

Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, Raigarh (Chhattisgarh)

16/03/2021 15/03/2022 View (284 KB) 013 Index 13.02.2021 01.03.2021pdf (455 KB) 014 HI Certificate 14.02.2021 02.03.2021 (270 KB) 014 Index 14.02.2021 02.03.2021pdf (444 KB) 015 HI Certificate 15.02.2021 03.03.2021 (265 KB) 015 Index 15.02.2021 03.03.2021pdf (444 KB) 016 HI Certificate 16.02.2021 04.03.2021 (259 KB) 016 Index 16.02.2021 04.03.2021pdf (443 KB) 019 HI Certificate 19.02.2021 07.03.2021 (260 KB) 019 Index 19.02.2021 07.03.2021pdf (442 KB) 020 HI Certificate 20.02.2021 08.03.2021 (264 KB) 020 Index 20.02.2021 08.03.2021pdf (445 KB) 021 HI Certificate 21.02.2021 09.03.2021 (264 KB) 021 Index 21.02.2021 09.03.2021pdf (446 KB) 022 HI Certificate 22.02.2021 10.03.2021 (281 KB) 022 Index 22.02.2021 10.03.2021pdf (451 KB) 024 HI Certificate 24.02.2021 12.03.2021 (272 KB) 024 Index 24.02.2021 12.03.2021pdf (379 KB) 025 HI Certificate 25.02.2021 13.03.2021 (264 KB) 025 Index 25.02.2021 13.03.2021pdf (443 KB) 027 HI Certificate 27.02.2021 15.03.2021 (259 KB) 027 Index 27.02.2021 15.03.2021pdf (443 KB) 028 HI Certificate 28.02.2021 16.03.2021 (260 KB) 028 Index 28.02.2021 16.03.2021pdf (444 KB)
Home Isolation Completion Certificate

Home Isolation Completion Certificate under Covid-19

Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, Raigarh (Chhattisgarh)

16/03/2021 15/03/2022 View (441 KB) index 008 08.03.2021 24.03.2021 (443 KB) index 007 07.03.2021 23.03.2021 (444 KB) HI certificate 011 11.03.2021 27.03.2021 (259 KB) HI certificate 008 08.03.2021 24.03.2021 (257 KB) HI certificate 007 07.03.2021 23.03.2021 (273 KB)
Home Isolation Completion Certificate

Home Isolation Completion Certificate under Covid-19

Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, Raigarh (Chhattisgarh)

26/02/2021 25/02/2022 View (264 KB) 009 Index 09.02.2021 25.02.2021 (443 KB) 010 HI Certificate 10.02.2021 26.02.2021 (272 KB) 010 Index 10.02.2021 26.02.2021 (448 KB) 011 HI Certificate 11.02.2021 27.02.2021 (269 KB) 011 Index 11.02.2021 27.02.2021 (446 KB) 012 HI Certificate 12.02.2021 28.02.2021 (258 KB) 012 Index 12.02.2021 28.02.2021 (439 KB)
Home Isolation Completion Certificate

Home Isolation Completion Certificate under Covid-19

Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, Raigarh (Chhattisgarh)

22/02/2021 21/02/2022 View (269 KB) 005 Index 05.02.2021 21.02.2021 (446 KB) 006 HI Certificate 06.02.2021 22.02.2021 (269 KB) 006 Index 06.02.2021 22.02.2021 (444 KB) 007 HI Certificate 07.02.2021 23.02.2021 (269 KB) 007 Index 07.02.2021 23.02.2021 (443 KB) 008 HI Certificate 08.02.2021 24.02.2021 (273 KB) 008 Index 08.02.2021 24.02.2021 (450 KB)
Home Isolation Completion Certificate

Home Isolation Completion Certificate under Covid-19

Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, Raigarh (Chhattisgarh)

16/02/2021 15/02/2022 View (259 KB) 001 Index 01.02.2021 17.02.2021 (440 KB) 002 HI Certificate 02.02.2021 18.02.2021 (270 KB) 002 Index 02.02.2021 18.02.2021 (447 KB) 003 HI Certificate 03.02.2021 19.02.2021 (263 KB) 003 Index 03.02.2021 19.02.2021 (443 KB) 004 HI Certificate 04.02.2021 20.02.2021 (265 KB) 004 Index 04.02.2021 20.02.2021 (442 KB)
Home Isolation Completion Certificate

Home Isolation Completion Certificate under Covid-19

Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, Raigarh (Chhattisgarh)

15/02/2021 14/02/2022 View (271 KB) HI 027 certificate 27.01.2021 12.02.2021 (276 KB) HI 028 certificate 28.01.2021 13.02.2021 (271 KB) HI 029 certificate 29.01.2021 14.02.2021 (269 KB) HI 030 certificate 30.01.2021 15.02.2021 (266 KB) HI 031 certificate 31.01.2021 16.02.2021 (263 KB) index 026 26.01.2021 11.02.2021 (384 KB) index 027 27.01.2021 12.02.2021 (390 KB) index 028 28.01.2021 13.02.2021 (385 KB) index 029 29.01.2021 14.02.2021 (383 KB) index 030 30.01.2021 15.02.2021 (382 KB) index 031 31.01.2021 16.02.2021 (380 KB)