
SVEEP Calander

SVEEP Calander 2024, District Election Office, Raigarh (CG)
Sr. No. Important Dates Main Targest (Focus) Program Location Activities
1 25 January: National Voters’ Day
Youth Group: New voters
district and block level EPIC distribution, oath taking, motivating voters to vote, song and drama presentations
2 21 February: International Mother Language Day
PVTG and other tribal communities
district and block level
Oath taking in local dialect, appeal
3 08 March  : International Women’s Day Women and new girl voters
District-Women’s High School, Block-Girl’s School Speech, folk song, folk dance, essay, folk drama competitions among girl students and women
4 15 March: International Consumer Rights Day All consumer segments Gram Panchayat All PDS Shop Swearing in, appeal, discussion
5 27 March: International Theater Day Cinema audience District Samast Cinema Hall Collective oath, appeal, public awareness
6 07 April: International Health Day Youth – New Voters District and Block level Voter awareness events
7 21 April: National Civil Service Day Officers and employees working in civil service District and Block level Collective oath, appeal, discussion
8 24 April: National Panchayati Raj Day All members of Gram Sabha All gram panchayat Collective oath, appeal, discussion
9 01 May: Labor Day Workers District and Block level Collective oath, competition and street drama
10 03 May: Press Freedom Day All media personnel District and Block level Collective oath, discussion and camp
11 08 May: World Red Cross Day All Health Center District hospital and all community health centers and primary health centers Seminars and Awareness Camps
12 05 June: World Environment Day Youth – New Voters District and Block level Voter awareness events
13 21 June: World Yoga Day  Youth – New Voters  District and Block level

Voter awareness events
14 23 June: International Olympic Day  Among players  District and Block Level (Stadium)  Oath, appeal and awareness
15 26 June: International Drug Abuse

Day all voters  District and Block level Rally for voting awareness
16 05 July: Service Voter Day  serving voter  All sections Meeting of BLO
17 11 July: World Population Day College student District and Block level Debate and speech competition on the topic of increasing population of the country and empowerment of democracy through voting
18 09 August: World Tribal Day PVTG and other tribal communities District and Block level Tribal festival folk competition
19 12 August: World Youth Day College voter friend District level Training workshop
20 19 August: World Photography Day College student District and Block level Photo Exhibition (Voter Awareness Related)
21 29 August: National Sports Day College student Sweep Youth Festival Competition – Speech, Rangoli, Question Forum, Poster Making, Slogan Writing
22 05 September: National Teacher’s Day School, college students and teachers District and Block level Discussion, oath and competition
23 08 September: International Literacy Day Elders and elders District and Block level Voter awareness events
24 15 September: International Democracy Day School and college students District and Block level Expert Lecture (Role of Voting in Democracy)
25 27 September: World Tourism Day College student District and Block level Cycle and Bike Rally
26 Fourth Sunday of September: World River Day Swachhata Didi NGOS  District  Voter Awareness and Save Banana
27 01 October: International Day of Older Persons  Old people  District and Block level Felicitation ceremony
28 11 October: International Girl Child Day hostel boys and girls District and Block level  Competition, discussion and oath
29 16 October: World Food Day  Cooperative society member District and Block level  Collective oath
30 31 October: National Unity Day  players, students and voters  District  Torch rally
31 01 November: State Foundation Day  Third gender  District Scooty rally
32 14 November: Children’s Day New voter  District and Block level  Rangoli and Salad Decoration Competition
33 16 November: National Press Day  Media personnel

34 26 November: Constitution Day  Voter District Awareness program
35 03 December: International Day with Disabilities  Disabled voter  District Tricycle rally
36 10 December: World Human Rights Day  Marginal voter  District Appeal and invitation
37 23 December: Farmers Day  farmer voter  District and Block level Competition and oath
38 25 December: Good Governance Day  voter  District and Block level  Pledge, Appeal and Awareness Program
SVEEP Calander 2018, District Election Office Raigarh (CG)
Sr. No. Important Dates Main Targest (Focus) Program Location Activities
1 Jan-25 National Voters Day Youngesters : New Electors District and Block Offices EPIC Distribution to new electors, Oath for Election, Cultural programs for Inspiration to new electors to vote in election
2 March-08 Internation womans day Womens and new women electors District Level – Women University, Block Level – Govt. Girl Schools Cultural activities and competition between students and women
3 Apr-07 World Health Day Youngesters : New Electors District and Block Offices Election Awareness Campaign
4 May-08 World Redcross Day Health Department All PHC/CHC and Health Centeres Seminar and Awareness Campaign on Election
5 NCC Camp 15 to 24 May Youngesters : New Electors, NCC Cadets ITI Raigarh Election activities
6 June-05 World Environment Day Youngesters : New Electors District and Block Offices Election Awareness Campaign
7 June-21 World Yoga Day Youngesters : New Electors District and Block Offices Election Campaign
8 June-26 International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking All Voters District and Block Offices Election Awareness Rally
9 July-05 Service Voters Day Service Voters All Sub Division Meeting of BLO
10 July-11 World Population Day College Students District and Block Offices Debate and Speech Competition on subject ‘‘देश की बढ़ती जनसंख्या एवं मतदान से लोकतंत्र का सशक्तिकरण’’
11 August-29 National Sports Day Youngesters : New Electors Boirdadar Stadium, Raigarh Motivate the players of district to participate in election
12 Sep-08 World Literacy Day School Students District Level – Natwar School Ground
Block Level – Important Schools and Colleges
Speech Competition on Subject – ‘‘शहरी क्षेत्रों में मतदाताओं की मताधिकार के प्रति उदासीनता-कारण एवं निवारण’’
Debate Competition on Subject – ‘‘आज की राजनीति धन और बल से ही संभव है’
13 Sep-14 World Hindi Day Youngesters : New Electors Important Schools and Colleges Debate / Speech
14 Oct-01 Internation Day of Older Person Older Person Voters Old Age Homes in District Registration of all Older persons in Elector Roll
15 Oct 02 to Oct 08 अक्टूबर, मद्य निषेध सप्ताह युवा वर्ग : नए मतदाता जिला व ब्लाक स्तर मतदाता जागरूकता संबंधी आयोजन
16 14  नवंबर बाल दिवस युवा वर्ग : नए मतदाता सभी हायर सेकेन्डरी विद्यालयों में मतदाता जागरूकता संबंधी आयोजन
17 19-25 नवंबर
कौमी एकता दिवस
युवा वर्ग : नए मतदाता जिला व ब्लाक स्तर मतदाता जागरूकता संबंधी आयोजन
18 01 दिसंबर
विश्व एड्स दिवस
युवा वर्ग : नए मतदाता जिला व ब्लाक स्तर मतदाता जागरूकता संबंधी आयोजन
19 03 दिसम्बर  अंतराष्ट्रीय दिव्यांग दिवस दिव्यांग, आवासहीन एवं तृतीय लिंग के मतदाता जिला व ब्लाक स्तर 1. स्कूली विद्यार्थियों के मध्य चित्रकला/ रंगोली प्रतियोगिता-विषय ‘‘विकलांगता अभिशाप नही’’
2. दिव्यांग बच्चों हेतु मतदाता जागरूकता व विविध कार्यक्रम
20 23 दिसम्बर राष्ट्रीय किसान दिवस जिले के विकासखण्डो के कृषक जिला व ब्लाक स्तर कृषको का सम्मेलन आयोजित कर मतदान में सहभागिता के संबंध मं प्रेरण हेतु कार्यशाला